Health Care

While maternal and infant mortality rates are in Africa have been declining in recent years, the rates are still high. A 2006 UNICEF report notes that 50 percent infant mortality in the world happen is Sub-Saharan Africa alone in spite of it accounting for only 22 percent of new births. Even more disturbing is that most of the deaths are caused by treatable diseases. For instance, a recent UNICEF report notes that simple supplements of vitamin A taken every four to six months can reduce child mortality by as much as 23 per cent, measles deaths by 50 per cent and deaths from diarrhoea by 33 per cent. Yet lack of access to health facilities ensures that poor, rural, and nomadic African communities remain extremely vulnerable. Thus, as one of our objectives, Relief for Africa endeavors to build clinics including mobile clinics and train personnel to provide the much needed relief. This can go a long way in having a multiplier effect on other aspects of life in the communities concerned.

Education and Economic Initiatives

In recognition of the centrality of education in the long term social and economic empowerment for majority of people in this region, Relief for Africa has made as some of its core priorities setting up schools, donating school and other essential school related equipment and supplies, partnering with existing schools in building up their nascent departments, engaging in vocational training for youth and women in critical life skills.

Fresh Water Programs

Waterborne diseases are a major cause of death in Africa. Affording communities access to safe drinking water not only saves people from potential contamination, but it also improves their economic wellbeing especially among pastoral communities whose survival depends on access to water for people and their livestock. In non pastoral communities, water is also critical for farming in the wake of increased incidents of famine occasioned by insufficient rainfall. RFA is committed to support Well digging and construction projects, repairing existing wells, and preserving existing water sources.